So I've been having some really hard weeks lately, some would know why. But i was really hurting today, so in my sadness and depression; my mom brings Daxton in. For those of you who have no idea who Daxton is, he is my new baby brother who is 3 months old. Anyways, i was really sad. So she put him on the floor right by me to watch him. Just p.s.- I love talking to him about my life, because he's not going to tell anyone my secrets and my wishes and wants. So basically, i was explaining all of my troubles and really venting to him. And like a good little listener he just sat there and listened to me. Once i was done, almost on the verge of tears (basically crying) he made his little baby gurgle and then gave me this HUGE smile :D i know that god put babies down on this earth to humble us, but i think he also put them down here to brighten our lives and show us the better half of it. Thank you so much Daxton, you truly are my guardian angel. <3
sorry guys, my post kind of freaked out on me. it might be hard to read. sorry